Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snow Day

We had a snow day last semester. I don't remember if I told you about it so here is a recap: lots of kids got up at 9 and went to church. but an ice storm was supposed to roll in later in the afternoon so 1 o'clock church got cancelled. (my time) They didn't want people driving on the ice. I counted it as a snow day (and treated it like a snow day but that just means I didn't take my pajamas off) but there wasn't actually any snow. And as it ended up there wasn't any ice either.
BUT. the other day we had a real snow day. actually I still had to go to classes but it SNOWED. a lot. at least I thought it was a lot. Jord (who is from Idaho) begged to differ.
First off snow is cold. durdur, but really cold. and it hurts to breathe its so cold.
I had big plans for the first real snow storm, they included snow cones and snow angels and a snow fight and a snowman and possible snow sledding. In reality I put on warm clothes and drank hot chocolate at my desk while I watched it snow out the window.
I like snow though. Its magical, you can stand there and it's falling all around you and everything turns white and sparkly. negative temperatures are not as fun. The magic is lot and its only bitterly cold. But boy oh boy is actual snow the coolest thing ever!
It's supposed to snow again this afternoon. Most of campus is wishing for the sun to stay shinning but I've got high hopes.

 Falling snow does not show up very well in pictures...

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