Monday, November 4, 2013

I and Jill went up the Hill

The title has very little to do with this post. But Jill's in it and it rhymed and I really like rhyming titles.
Last weekend was Jills big Weekend! Her mom and cousin Tiny came and visited! and she turned 23! See?Big weekend. And as Jill's BFF I got to tag along for ALL the fun.
Tiny, Jill, and I on our adventure
If you've noticed in my photos Jill has this great Green coat. Its actually my green coat. So the first order of business when Momma Wulf got in was to drive to the Roanoke mall and get a coat. (I should disclaim Jill wanted her own coat, I was not pushing her out of mine) The drive to Roanoke is about an hour but it is gorgeous and I could make it everyday! There was a large group of us that all went coat shopping and out to dinner afterwards!
This is not a totally related photo. This is a hat I found at
the mall I wanted to buy so bad because it matched my scarf!
This is me and a live sheep. They have those in Williamsburg. They have everything in Williamsburg
Friday night (rather early Saturday morning) was a slumber party in Jill's room! (don't worry, we cleared it with our RA's first!) and Saturday morning was an early one- because we were going on an adventure. Or rather "up the hill" Colonial Williamsburg is about 3 hours away from BV and that's where we were headed! It was a long day of walking but oh SO much fun! We toured the town, and nearby William and Mary college that was founded WAYY back in the 1600's. That night went on the haunted tavern tour. It was so cool (scary) to hear the ghost stories from a town so old!
Waiting for our table in the basement of the Tavern,
 which was lit by candlelight
Here are us girls with Colonial People!
 (I'm on the left, Jill is in the middle and Tiny is on the right FYI)
Sunday I got up early and went to church with Jill and Momma Wulf and Tiny for fun. After a quick nap I was back at my ward to give a talk! Sunday afternoon we went on the most beautiful drive on the parkway and out to dinner at Crate and Barrel. Monday was Jill's Birthday! We all had to get up and go to classes but we met up in the afternoon for birthday dinner! We went to Macados pronounced mack-a-doo's) and got wings for wing night. We were so good and still even went to FHE before the birthday party. Which consisted of delicious cupcakes and The Help.

Jill and I at FHE. They gave her this birthday crown that was
 WAY too small and she was very excited to take a picture with me.
Shes going to be even more excited I'm putting this on the internet.
 But look its equally embarrassing for the two of us because I look stoned or something.
Picture from Sunday drive before
the battery died on me. Some trees and Tiny
The Birthday Girl and I found these candy lips at Sunday dinner

It was a very enjoyable and slightly exhausting weekend. I am so thankful to Tiny and Momma Wulf who let me tag along on their adventures and share Jill with me! And also for buying me food, because college kids really enjoy getting to eat somewhere other than the cafeteria!
This is Jill and I locked up for doing something bad. Apparently Jill felt remorse and I did not. She is not looking at the camera in any of the 5 versions of this photo that exist.

2 blog posts in one day. -ALC
(p.s. If I knew how to fix the weird photo spacing I would. But I'm behind schedule and Jill needs me to find her a box so I have to go.)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Reasons My Weekend was Better Than Yours

  1. I went on a date- Friday I got to go out for ice cream with a great guy from the cheer squad!
  2. My extra hour- Its the new fangled thing that doesn't exist in Arizona. Today I just got an extra hour for no reason. One second it was 10 o'clock the next it was 9! Which means I got an extra hour of sleep! I like this daylight savings thing!
  3. I got to attend a great CES fireside tonight! and the church fixed the projector so it was in color!
  4. The guy who works at Jamba Juice bought me a smoothie- how romantic!
  5. I found a guy driving to PA so I can have Thanksgiving with my aunt!
  6. My sososo AWESOME RA Jordan came and killed this VERY large spider so I didn't have to
  7. Saturday I was able to walk around DC (despite the fact my knee hurt, and I woke up two hours late, and forgot my test AND my waiver) (it was a long morning) My art history class took a trip to the National Gallery to take our midterm. Jill was able to take one of the extra seats on the bus and come with! So after my test her and I and some other friends from the class went exploring! We walked to Union Station and got lunch and then walked back to the museum and then to the White House and then back to the bus! (it was a lot of walking) (roughly 10 miles. I was pedometering it) (not good for the knee)
  8. After spending all day in the Nation's capital I got to spend the night boding with Jordan!