Monday, March 10, 2014

[Spring] Break

Its still freezing outside and there is still snow on campus so I don't feel very spring-y but the break has officially begun! And that was a close one because I almost didn't make it. The reprieve from classes is greatly appreciated on this end. In fact I was awake for less than 4 of the 24 hours on Saturday. That is what I call a good day.
No big plans here. I'm hanging in the BV. Except they are turning off the internet today to do repairs and thats going to put a kink in my netflix plans...
I've been awake for almost a whole hour now so I'm off to take a nap. Fun SB adventures to follow ;)
Have a great week in school you AZers!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you get this break to rest your brain! Sleep, relax, unwind, and enjoy it!
